Opportunity and Hope

Like a good food pairing, opportunity and hope share a long and rich history. The dynamics are such that the outcome or product of the relationship is key to meaningful existence. Opportunity and hope are inseparable partners in one’s life journey. Don’t bother to dissect or parse the connection so you can game an outcome – such effort matters not. Rather, embrace each and engage life as if the world you seek depended upon it – cuz it kinda does.

Welcome to 2020.  It’ll be here awhile. 

It Never Stops

We are creatures of habit.  A habit is defined as “a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.”  Fair enough.

So, it would seem then, that habits are learned – perhaps through an ongoing a sequence of behaviors – behaviors ultimately tweaked and tailored as the acts of humanness are refined.  Works of art or depravity – to each their own.

I am not clear on an obvious point – if we can actually “unlearn” something, Setting a TBI aside, what is that all about – the learning process?  Maybe it all comes down to replacing an old habit with a new habit – is that learning and forgetting?  Not sure if that result is a step forward or a step back.  Or, maybe, the result is destined to not move anywhere – a zero sum game in the end.  That’s depressing…

I think I need a candy bar.  I have one right here.  Time to execute.

So, it Begins!

I am looking forward to another wonderful fall semester.  Of course, I sometimes glance backward, but would argue I only look back to refine or recenter my current path.  I never seem to leave any bread crumbs behind – is that a good thing?  Another life conundrum.

As I navigate life, I also wonder if “looking left and right” come into play.  Is it just about forward and backward?

There is a buried life metaphor to be explored, but it escapes me at the moment.  I’ll let it be, for now.

On a Roll

OK, so I am working hard preparing for the onslaught of student summer finals.  I am tired.  I am busy.  And, I am not following some of the common advice I occasionally toss around – toss as in like a bad salad.

I was making note of student performance curves in several classes.  Once again, the data clearly supported a student success metric of interest.  Avoiding grading papers, a practice I have mastered, I begin a quest to tie in student performance to another variable.  I look at the clock – shit.  There went two hours.

Sometimes I wonder if I am qualified to teach students about sound business practices…  At least when it comes to executing on tasks you are trying hard to avoid… But then, I am an expert at it…

So, enough.  I may as well go see what Trump tweeted today…  I am on a roll.