My Goodness – Macro Economics

Just a quick observation. America is different. We have a unique culture as do other areas of the world. We have opportunities and issues in abundance – as do other nation states. In the aggregate, we live and react within and in response to our environment, as do other countries.

So, we are different and we are the same – occupying space and time – navigating life as best we can. We have desires, wants, and perceived needs.

So, what’s up with the run on toilet paper worldwide? No idea. But, the economic engine that is America has responded to the surge in demand – like a good case study in an econ course. And, so it is globally – empty toilet paper shelves, pent up demand, and opportunity. A problem to be solved.

Billions of people, old and young, living on every corner of the earth, working at life. And what do we buy in when confronted with a global pandemic? Of all the purchase decisions to consider, what makes it to the top of the list?

Toilette paper. Amazing.

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