Thanksgiving, Covid-19, and Delayed Gratification

Change.  It happens.  Evolutionary, revolutionary – it matters not.  Significant, insignificant – it all counts.  Works for one, works for many – time will tell, it always does – with change, there will be winners and losers.  Understood or not, appreciated or not – there is the next day – new chances, missed opportunities, time marches on nonetheless.  Time does not appear to have any favorites, save those with faith.

Today is Thanksgiving.  No surprise, I am going to have dinner today, a Thanksgiving dinner, with my lovely wife of 47 years.  Our kids and eight grandchildren will also be celebrating in their own way, just not with us.  My wife and I did the math, and the decision was easy – a “no brainer” I might observe.  My kids did the same – acceptingly.  To them, sound judgment and reasoning were the only tools they needed to plan and act accordingly.  It wasn’t rocket science – no math involved save absorbing the latest “in your face” Covid-19 data.

I just deleted a three paragraph rant – it started with “Speaking of people with no brains,”  Yep, I jumped on that trolley and crafted some good stuff – expressing some opinions that were sure to insult those with a different viewpoint.  I think the word for that is trolling, the definition of which has changed over the years.  Nonetheless, I pressed the delete key and flushed some good shit into the Internet Waste Basket.  Frankly, the flushed content is where it needed to be.  And, just saying, doing the right thing did not infect anyone. 

OK, where was I…  So, why is it we, we as a country, cannot seem to get it together on this Covid-19 Pandemic?  I am just going to throw this out there.  To me, the main problem we have is our collective inability to take direction/orders that require us to act as a unit – a very large team of 245 million adults.  Think about it.  How do you get 245 million adults in America to move in the same direction for an extended period of time?

The answer, you don’t.  Not in a democracy.  We look weak to our enemies – incapable of sacrificing for the many.  Metaphorically, it is hard to drive a car or fly a plane when you are only looking six inches in front of your face.  Imagine trying to lead 245 million American adults through a Covid-19 pandemic.  Ya, hard, if not nearly impossible. 

We will get through this thing. Undoubtedly, historians, economists, and social behaviorists will have a field day looking back – trying to make sense of it all.  We need a plan – a strategic plan that incorporates everything we learned from this poorly managed Covid-19 pandemic.  We will need that strategic plan when we go through this again, and we will. 

Me, I am going to work on my delayed gratification ability.  First, I need to fetch a snack.  Dinner is at 6:00 PM – turkey with all the fixings.  A quick shout out to statins seems appropriate.

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